Are You Prone to Cavities? Don’t Neglect Routine Dental Cleanings

Professional dental cleanings are essential to oral care, even if you’re diligent in brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Your home oral care routine cannot take the place of professional cleaning. Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar in areas that your toothbrush can’t reach. Biannual teeth cleaning services from Bingham-Lester Dentistry in Crofton, Maryland, can protect your teeth from decay, infections, and dental disease.

Dental Cleaning Services in Crofton MD Area

Importance of Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings

Although brushing and flossing are essential to keeping your teeth healthy and clean, these habits alone cannot eliminate plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to cavities and gum disease. That’s why it’s important to include routine dental cleanings in your oral hygiene routine. Professional cleanings eliminate all plaque, tartar, bacteria, and surface stains on your teeth to leave them shiny and smooth. Dr. Bingham-Lester uses special dental tools for plaque removal to get your teeth squeaky clean. Afterward, we’ll polish your teeth to bring out their luster.

At the same time, we’ll check your teeth for early warning signs of gingivitis, oral cancer, or other dental issues that can derail your oral health. Forgoing dental cleanings puts you at greater risk of:

  • Cavities
  • Tooth infections
  • Gingivitis
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Loose teeth and, over time,
  • Tooth loss

Dental cleaning services promote healthier, stronger teeth that look vibrant, fresh, and clean. 

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Additional Dental Services to Prevent Cavities

In addition to routine dental cleanings, Dr. Bingham-Lester and our team offer additional dental services in the form of fluoride treatment and dental sealants to protect your teeth from cavities. Fluoride treatments are available in foam, gel, varnish, or concentrated rinse forms and can be applied with a brush, swab, tray, or via a mouthwash. Dental sealants come in liquid form and are painted onto the surface of your back teeth, which are used primarily for chewing. Once the liquid hardens, it forms a protective plastic shield over your molars to protect them from cavities.

Dental Cleaning Services Near Me

To schedule a dental exam and cleaning at Bingham-Lester Dentistry, contact Dr. Bingham-Lester, in Crofton, MD, at 410-885-6522.


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Bingham-Lester Dentistry

Dr. Vickii R. Bingham-Lester

Dr. Vickii Bingham Lester is primarily interested in assisting patients in achieving an excellent lifestyle with healthy, functioning smiles. She graduated from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and completed a general practice residency at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Dr. Bingham's commitment to providing the best dental care possible encouraged her to dive more into the science and practice of dental implantology.


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I absolutely love my dentist and her team!! They take great care of me every time I come in. They listen well and work to handle the issue. I would recommend them to everyone.
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