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Providing dentures for Gambrills patients is a rewarding aspect of practice for Vickii R. Bingham-Lester, DMD .
Well-designed dentures that fit securely and look natural benefit the appearance and health of our patients. Providing dentures for Gambrills patients is a rewarding aspect of practice for Vickii R. Bingham-Lester, DMD . Her personalized process takes a little time, but it is worth the extra effort.

Personalized denture options

The type of denture Dr. Bingham-Lester recommends depends on your needs. She chooses the best option for optimal functionality and a natural appearance, so you won’t look of feel like you have fake teeth. Gambrills patients have many options including:

Partial denture – A partial is a removable denture that fits around existing dentition. Flexible Valplast® is popular for its comfortable fit.

Full denture – A full denture is a complete set of upper or lower teeth.

Transitional denture – This is a temporary partial denture. Additional teeth can be added to it if more of your teeth are lost over time.

Are you unsatisfied with the dentures you have now, or considering getting dentures.?

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410-885-6522 Or Book An Appointment

Immediate denture – You can go home with a full set of teeth on the day of your extractions. Immediate dentures can be re-lined to maintain fit, after healing is completed.
A full denture is a complete set of upper or lower teeth.

Combination dentures – A customized combination of techniques, such as Valplast® in front for aesthetics, and some metal in the back for stability, may be best.

Implant-supported dentures – A few dental implants can hold a denture. Implants also allow for a lighter denture with greater stability.

Once your new smile is in place, the Bingham-Lester Dentistry team shows you how to care for your dentures and adjust to wearing them.

If you are unsatisfied with the dentures you have now, or are considering getting dentures, please call us today to schedule a consultation. For full or partial dentures in Gambrills, MD, 21054 quality conscious patients choose Dr. Bingham-Lester. The number is 410-885-6522.

Bingham-Lester Dentistry

Dr. Vickii R. Bingham-Lester

Dr. Vickii Bingham Lester is primarily interested in assisting patients in achieving an excellent lifestyle with healthy, functioning smiles. She graduated from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and completed a general practice residency at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Dr. Bingham's commitment to providing the best dental care possible encouraged her to dive more into the science and practice of dental implantology.

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Bingham-Lester Dentistry
Rating : 5 5 Stars
Going to the dentist is not my favorite activity but Dr. Bingham-Lester and her staff always make it as easy and convenient as possible. Great service by the doctor, no surprises and she always takes the time to give me alternatives if I'm looking to do cosmetic things too. Her staff is also very helpful in getting me in to fit my schedule. Thanks again for all the great support over the years.
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